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Make WordPress Training WordPress Training Team, providing synchronoThe WordPress Training Team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through you new to the team?
Make WordPress Hosting WordPress Hosting Best PracticesWant to contribute? Come join us!
Make Photos The team behind the WordPress Photo Directory, a directoThe WordPress Photo Directory is a directory of free, publicly-contributed, CC0-licensed photographs.
Make WordPress SustainableWe seek to embed sustainable practices into WordPress to ensure the longevity of the project.
Make WordPress Community Building Local CommunitiesThis is the home of the Make Community team for the WordPress open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open S
Core Performance WordPress.orgYou can always find us in the #core-performance channel in Slack. Feel free to pop in and share your thoughts and ideas!
Planet WordPress.orgBlog Tool and Publishing Platform
Pooja Derashri: Improving Others, Improving OurselvesDive into the story of how WordPress contributor Pooja Derashri has proven that helping others succeed can lead to your own success.
One Rep Max Calculator – 1rm Max Calculator -Unlock your lifting potential with our One Rep Max Calculator, 1rm Max Calculator, and One rm Calculator. Maximize performance with precise strength tracking!
Find a Rep - Graham Architectural ProductsGraham Architectural ProductFirst Name
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